How accurate is proxyfordevelopers?
Since the proxyfordevelopers database and API is integrated with a series of large ISPs who constantly provide information about new and existing IP ranges, we are proud to offer a very high level of accuracy in IP data.
How many API requests can proxyfordevelopers handle?
Over a year of constant optimization, the infrastructure behind proxyfordevelopers and the proxyfordevelopers API has grown to become highly scalable and efficient, currently handling between 2 to 3 billion API requests per day.
How often is proxies data updated?
proxyfordevelopers is integrated with multiple channels delivering real-time IP data, which is why the database used by the proxyfordevelopers API is updated regularly, with up to 24 database updates per day.
How much of the global network supported?
Data coverage is growing by the day, with proxyfordevelopers currently supporting more than 2 million unique locations in over 200.000 cities across the globe.
What happens if my allowed volume is exceeded?
Your API request volume can be exceeded by 20% without your service being affected. Please note that after 120% of your volume has been used your API access will be disabled.
What is the proxyfordevelopers API's uptime?
The proxyfordevelopers API has had an uptime of 99.99% throughout the last 12 months. You can review the current status anytime on the Status Page.
How do I change between monthly and yearly billing?

In order to change your billing frequency from monthly to yearly or from yearly to monthly, you will be required to downgrade your account back to the Free Plan.

Step 1: Navigate to the Subscription page, click "Downgrade" in the Free Plan section and confirm your downgrade. Downgrades are not effective immediately, your premium subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing period.

Step 2: Once your billing period ends and your account downgrade has become effective, navigate back to the Subscription page and click 'Upgrade' in your preferred subscription plan's section. You will now be aked to choose a new billing frequency.

If you need any assistance changing your billing frequency, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What if I need more than 2.000.000 API requests per month?
The infrastructure behind proxyfordevelopers was built to scale almost indefinitely. Let us know your requirements and we will work out a custom solution for you.
How can I pay?
Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diner's Club, Discover), PayPal or — for Enterprise clients — standard bank transfer.
Why would I choose a paid subscription?
The proxyfordevelopers Free Plan offers a way of testing the API and its capabilities in a non-production website or application. Premium plans come with extended customer support, SSL encryption, larger amounts of queries and essential API features like bulk/batch support.
Can I cancel anytime?
Yes. proxyfordevelopers is a subscription-based service and your chosen plan renews automatically each month. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel anytime.
Can I pay yearly?
Yes, choosing yearly billing will cause your subscription fee to be discounted by as much as 20%. You can choose your preferred billing frequency during signup.
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